The Trinity (EN)

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18.09 | 19:19

Bonjour votre site est très bien réalisé félicitations soyez béni richement

20.01 | 07:45

Bravo ma fille.
Ton site à la gloire de Dieu est magnifique.
Il est une aide à toutes les personnes comme moi qui sont à la recherche de réponses.
Je suis très fier de toi.
Je t'aime

09.10 | 14:26

Merci pour tout 🙏🙏🙏

17.09 | 12:28

Très belle initiative!
Quel bonheur d'avoir son âme en amour pour le Seigneur! C'est une grâce divine qui s'alimente de l' Amour Lui-même, de la prière, du partage fraternel...Merci!

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For God to be Perfect ----> Several persons in Himself  are necessary ---->  three consciences in only one being

So 2 people cooperate with a 3rd one (A typical example: parents who carry their love towards the child).

The Trinity 

" Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit " (Matthew 28:19)

The Bible teaches us many valuable truths about God, his nature, his perfections and his Being. But that is not all it reveals about him. There is a mystery in God that we cannot fathom: it eludes the broadest and highest human intelligence.

In the following study, with the help of God and one of the most edifying existing studies on the subject, let us try to shed light on the Trinity so that we may not be ashamed of it but remain eminently proud of it. Remain attentive and try to extract yourself from your purely human reasoning. 

What is the Trinity?

The word is not in the Bible, but nevertheless the concept is expressed there several times.

----> The word "trinitas" is used for the first time in the "Contre Praxeas" of Tertullian (3rd century.  By the word "Trinitas", Tertullian wants to express the fact that God is at the same time one and three :

----> A three-personal being.

Some, including myself, often try to use physical illustrations to describe the Trinity, such as the fact that H2O is in the form of liquid (water), solid (ice) and gas (vapor). This is a very inadequate illustration, as it is not sufficient to explain the identity and personality of God.

Below, to date, the most satisfactory study (for my part), explained by Theonoptie : a french theological site in a study called : The Trinity - Proof of the perfection of God. 


To understand what the Trinity is, let's look at what it is not !

> (1+1+1)=(1) Modalism? =

One God who manifests himself in three different modes. Sometimes as Father, sometimes as Son, sometimes as Spirit... NO

> Tritheism? =

The Father is a "God", The Son is another "God", The Spirit is still a "God" ... NO

> Unitarianism?=

Only the Father is God Jesus is the closest man to God or his main prophet, but he is not God... NO

> The "life course" model =

Model proposed by Brian Leftow; The Trinity would be a person split twice, the same person would live three different life courses... NO 

There is a model that makes the essence unique (ousia) with three personalities (hypostases) :

The model of "relative identity ": a model proposed by philosophers

They maintain that three things can be identical in one aspect, but distinct in another.

In the case of the Trinity, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit are the same God but different persons.

> The identity concerns the divinity

> The difference concerns the personality

What does the Bible say ?

(Heb 1 : 1 to 4) 

" In the past God spoke to our ancestors through the prophets at many times and in various ways, but in these last days he has spoken to us by his Son, whom he appointed heir of all things, and through whom also he made the universe. The Son is the radiance of God’s glory and the exact representation of his being, sustaining all things by his powerful word. After he had provided purification for sins, he sat down at the right hand of the Majesty in heaven. So he became as much superior to the angels as the name he has inherited is superior to theirs."

(This verse is much more revealing in Greek)

> radiance = imprint = χαρακτηρ charakter (in Greek) = The mark left or imprint,the pattern.

> his being = his person = υποστασις hupostasis (in Greek)= Designates each of the three stages of a hierarchical universe according to its actual belonging to the absolute One.

Let's model the trinity on the human pattern:

The Father - Man (represents strength, power, he sows) = The Heavenly Father

The Mother - The Woman (represents gentleness and wisdom, she receives and fecundates) = The Holy Spirit

The Child - The Son = (is the fruit of the love of the Father and the Mother having therefore their attributes, their genetic imprint) = Jesus Christ

Divine Trinity ❤❤❤

It is important to note that as humans, the love that a husband has for his wife and vice versa is imperfect, as well as the love they have for their child and vice versa, whereas the LOVE between the persons of the Holy Trinity is INCONDITIONAL, FUSIONAL, IN PERFECT AGREEMENT, CONSTANT, INVARY and truly PERFECT. This is the difference between the love as we know it as human beings and the Love of GOD.

Jesus said :

Jesus said : "Anyone who has seen me has seen the Father " (John 14:9)

In Exodus 3:13 ;  Moses said to God :  “Suppose I go to the Israelites and say to them, ‘The God of your fathers has sent me to you,’ and they ask me, ‘What is his name?’ Then what shall I tell them?” 

In Exodus 3:14 God said to Moses, " I am who I am " ---> God manifests his perfect self-awareness.

Each of the three hypostases brings full self-knowledge to one another.

Thus, each hypostasis can know the divine essence (ουσια ousia) of the others and of its own.

---->Full self-consciousness

God is independent, which means, the basis of his existence is in himself. As independent, he is not only independent in himself, but he also makes everything depend on him.

Let's take the example of Love :

----> Feeling of affection and attachment towards a thing or a living being outside of oneself. Love requires a relationship in otherness.

God is Love ----> So God must be with relationships

- with angels

- with humans

But if his Love is based on a necessary relationship then it means that he depends on others to be Love ! ----> So He would not be self-sufficient, and neither He would be perfect. 

Why 3 and not 4 or 5 ?

The sharing :

> There must be a giver (who can be one and the other in turn)

> It is necessary to have a receiver

But if there are only 2 people, there is complacency and autarkic confinement

Cooperation :

For there to be perfect love, at least 3 people are needed :

For the Consciousness, at least three persons are needed but more than three is superfluous, and brings randomness, and imperfection.

There are thus three relations in God, between the hypostases and which are indissociable:

> Fatherhood

> Sonship

> Spiration


Let us look at the action of God in us :

Sovereign God

> The Father: Initiator of all action       THE JUDGE

> The Son: The action, the revelation OUR ADVOCATE

> The Spirit : The "Motivator"                 THE WITNESS / THE GUIDE

At the Judgment Seat of Christ :

- The Father is JUDGE

- Jesus your ADVOCATE

- The Holy Spirit is the WITNESS of your actions, the MOTIVATOR

An example of one of our actions in, through and for God ----> Baptism

(Mt 28:19) "Go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit."

I accept - I receive - I proclaim

The power of 3 introduces the divine perfection 

Christians are often attacked about the trinity. Christianity has been accused of being in reality a polytheism. A unique God in three persons is beyond comprehension, for those who do not get rid of their purely human and therefore narrow reasoning! Some Christians who have not taken the time to question the nature of God, feel confused and disarmed when they are faced to ignorant accusers. Yet the Love and Truth that flows from the Trinitarian communion is the proof of the divine perfection. Hallelujah!

This study hereunder on my YouTube channel

The Holy Trinity explained